
In order to attain greater proficiency in the art of dance, frequency as well as intensity of study is necessary. As students become more advanced, it is imperative that they attend class more than once weekly if they are to progress. We strongly recommend that students above Level 1 attend at least twice weekly. The importance of regular attendance cannot be overemphasized.
Absences and tardiness impede the individual student's progress as well as affecting the class as a whole. The school cannot jeopardize its responsibility to the rest of the class for one student. Students with excessive absences should make arrangements to attend make-up classes or schedule private lessons in order to catch up. ​
Students without proper shoes, dancewear or improperly groomed hair, especially for Ballet classes will be required to observe rather than participate in classes!
***Please put student's name on all dancewear and shoes***
No watches or other jewelry (except for small ear studs) may be worn! Heavy, dangly jewelry is distracting, and can be dangerous. Leave it home!
Ballet - Ladies: Solid color leotard, pink tights and pink slippers must be worn. Hair must be groomed off the face and neck. No long ponytails!
Ballet - Gentlemen: Unitard or close fitting t-shirt, shorts or tights, white or black ballet slippers must be worn.
Hip Hop: Loose fitting, comfortable clothing, black jazz sneakers are mandatory!
Jazz - Ladies: Leotard and tights, or unitard, and tan pull-on jazz shoes must be worn. Hair must be groomed off the face and neck.
Jazz - Gentlemen: Unitard or close fitting t-shirt, shorts or sweatpants and tan pull-on jazz shoes must be worn.
Lyrical: Leotards and tights, or unitard. Jazz shoes, or barefeet at discretion of instructor.
Tap - Ladies: Leotard and tights, or unitard, black patent tap shoes with elastic shoe fasterers for Pre-Tap through Tap 1. Shoe requirements for Tap IIA and above may be obtained from local dancewear stores, Turning Pointe or Gotta Dance. There are several low-heeled, black supportive shoes that are acceptable. Not jazz taps because of insufficient support for toe stands, etc. Hair must be groomed off the face and neck.
Tap - Gentlemen: Unitard or close fitting t-shirt, shorts or sweatpants and black tap shoes must be worn.
Tumbling: Close fitting t-shirts with shorts or footless tights, leotard or footless unitard. Hair must be groomed off the face and neck.
Students may come directly from school and dress at the studio. All students must wait quietly in the reception area until time for class. All students must wait inside for rides. No one is allowed outside the building unless going to or from the car.
Students MUST be picked up promptly after class. The studio is CLOSED when the last scheduled class ends. There is a five minute grace period following that. After the five minute grace period, parents will be charged $1 per minute. After 30 minutes, law enforcement and child protective services will be notified. We have been forced to adopt this policy due to repeated late pick ups in excess of 45 minutes.
Do not leave valuables unattended in the lobby or dressing room.
Cell phones may not be used at any time in the classroom, and must be turned off prior to class starting.
Any use of cell phones in the classroom, or a cell phone ringing in the classroom will result in the phone being confiscated, and being returned only to a parent.
Guide to Placement
These are very broad guidelines. Actual placement of the student is based on faculty evaluation.
Pre-Ballet, Pre-Tap, Pre-Jazz | 3-5 year olds
Beginning Ballet, Beginning Jazz, Beginning Tap | 6-9 year olds
Ballet I, Jazz I, Tap I, Lyrical I | 7-13 year olds with some previous training
Hip Hop 7-11 | 7-11 year olds, no previous training required
Hip Hop 12 & Up | Ages 12 & up, no previous training required
Tumbling | Ages 6 & up, no previous training required
Ballet IIA, IIB, Lyrical II, Tap II, Jazz IIA, IIB | 7-18 year olds, minimum 2 years previous training
Ballet III, Jazz III, Lyrical III, Tap III | Ages 10 & up, minimum 4 years previous
Ballet IV, Jazz IV, Lyrical IV | Ages 12 & up, minimum 5 years previous
Pointe I & II | Ages 10 & up, minimum 4 years previous ballet training, teacher recommendation
Pas de Deux | Ages 12 & up, minimum two years of pointe
Company Technique and Rehearsals | Members of ADA Performing and Competing Company